Ralls County Historical Society
Museum & Library
"Preserving, Honoring, & Celebrating"
Minutes from August 21, 2024 RCHS Meeting
Ralls County Historical Society Agenda
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
10:00 a.m.
Perry City Hall
Perry, MO
Ron Leake, Delores Woodhurst, Susan Bedford, Barry Zbornik, Ben Akers, Mary Jackson, Sandie Storm, Tara Comer, Brandy Flynn, Brad Stinson, Jeanie Gay, and Kathy Willingham attended the meeting of the Ralls County Historical Society on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. at Perry City Hall.
Project Updates:
Combining RCHS’s Library and Museum: Sandi Storm and Mary Jackson continue to organize the cemetery records. If you or someone you know is the contact for any current or former cemetery in the county, please call or email RCHS so we can update our records. We need someone to sort, scan, and categorize obituaries. RCHS will continue paying rent on the current library until the Missouri Mule Museum is available for some items.
John Ralls Donation: The box contains John Ralls donation items that will be kept at the library. Bill Dexheimer and Ben Akers will transcribe/summarize correspondence as they have time. If you would like to view these items, please contact Ron Leake. When asked if there are still descendants of the Ralls family in Ralls County, it was great to see that one individual in attendance, Susan Bedford, is such a descendant.
Fort Mason Project: Recently, this project received $500 from Ameren. Work continues on the site of the monument. Donations may be made to the County of Ralls, PO Box 400, New London, MO 63459. Please include “Fort Mason Monument Project” in the memo. Questions may be emailed to bdexhei@gmail.com.
Missouri Mule Museum: Delores shared that RCHS’s non-profit corporation status has been restored. With this, RCHS can work with Jim and Jeanie Gay to purchase land for a Missouri Mule Museum. Jeanie has worked with the Diffenderfer family to negotiate a purchase price for the Western Auto building in Perry. Funds for the purchase and beginning expenses have been deposited into RCHS’s checking account. As soon as the lawyer draws up the agreement between RCHS and the Gays, it will be sent to officers and directors for their review and approval. Once signed, RCHS can proceed with purchasing the property. Sandie Storm made a motion that the Ralls County Historical Society enter into a financial agreement with James R. Gay and Jean C. Gay to provide funds for the property at 114 Main Street, Perry. Mary Jackson seconded. Motion passed. Brad Stinson made a motion that the Ralls County Historical Society purchase the property at 114 E. Main, known as Western Auto building, for the sum of $60,000, plus closing costs and legal fees. The money for this purchase is in the society’s account. Ron Leake seconded. Motion passed.
Membership Drive: The membership drive is underway, and some memberships have already been received. Envelopes are ready to mail to previous members and businesses. A special thank you was expressed to Joe & Verda Haiducek for their generous donation to the Historical Society. Several members expressed interest in having a tent or table at local events. Delores will compile a list of upcoming events in Ralls County and provide it at next month’s meeting. Tara Comer mentioned adding monthly meetings to community media, including TV, radio, and newspapers. Sandie and Mary agreed to host a table in front of the museum during Perry yard sales in October, selling copies of publications and pamphlets that are available for sale by RCHS. Ron will check the historic bank at Perry Park to see if he can locate the tent that the Historical Society used to have. We discussed the desire to re-publicize previous books and pamphlets about Ralls County, including the book by Okle Rouse, “The End of a Way of Life.” Tara said she will gladly display newsletters and membership information at the courthouse. The need for a meeting with historical societies in the area to discuss our common needs was also discussed. This will be discussed at the September meeting.
Fundraiser: Delores checked with Corey, and while the Junction can be the location for our Chili Cook-Off, the Junction is booked on weekends through the end of the year. There was also a discussion of holding the cook-off at Perry Park, tying the event in with showcasing Perry Bank, which is located in the park. No decisions were made, and this will be discussed again in September. If possible, it would be nice to coordinate this fundraiser with the Grand Opening of the mule museum. The Society would also have an auction/raffle of donated items. It was mentioned that County Commissioners have raffled a gun in the past, which always brings good money and participation.
Volunteers: We continue to need volunteers for various projects. To learn more, please contact Ron at 573-248-7445. Delores again shared that the Historical Society is approved as a host site for the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP). SCSEP is a work-based training program for older Americans to build/enhance/update job skills to be able to look for and find a job. To be eligible, SCSEP applicants must be at least 55 years old, unemployed, meet the income requirements, have low employment prospects, and need job skills training. Visit the website below for more information and to apply: ttps://ser-national.org/.../scsep-application-for-services/ Those in attendance shared the possibility of exploring summer internships for college students and working with high schools to make counselors and students aware of volunteer opportunities that are available and look good on college and work applications Kathy Willingham stated that her family would like to donate the adding machine that her grandparents, Fred & Dorothy Turnbough Buffington, used in their family store west of Perry. While the store was not in Ralls County, Dorothy was born on Hickory Street in Perry, and she and Fred retired to Perry. The Buffington’s ran a service station/general store at the junction of Highway 19 and 107 for more than 35 years.
Communication: We will use Remind to share information about the Historical Society, including meeting information. To sign up, text @chk3kad to 81010. If you’re having trouble with 81010, try texting @chk3kad to (415) 749-9891. Standard text message rates apply.
Taxes and Other Paperwork
Sales Tax Exempt Application: Delores will complete the sales tax exemption application and submit it soon.
Missouri Non-Profit Corporation: As stated above, this status has been restored.
There are various newspapers at the Ralls County jail. While not in good shape (moldy, very delicate), they are still important. Delores will get a list of what is in the jail and check with the Missouri State Historical Society to see if these newspapers have been scanned. Brandy shared that she has contacted the Missouri State Historical Society and the National Archives regarding various county documents. While they are willing to scan and digitize the county’s documents, the cost is high. She plans to talk with several individuals she knows to see if they are willing to work on writing grants to get funding for this process. There is a State Collector’s Grant for up to $10,000 to copy tax records and send digital information to the Missouri State Historical Society. Tara will send Delores contact information for the Early Bird Kiwansis Club to see if they might be able to provide funds from various Historical Society projects.
Impact Statement: The following partnerships/events were generated as we developed an impact statement. We will continue to add to this list next month. As individuals think of more items to list, please share them with Delores.
Oak Hill School Restoration
Movement of the first bank in Perry from a farm to the Perry City Park
Designation of a section of Highway 19 as the Shortline Railroad section
Center Shortline Railroad Station Restoration
Perry Carousel’s return to Perry, along with building a facility to house the carousel permanently
Ralls County Courthouse’s Sesquicentennial celebration
Perry Sesquicentennial celebration
Development of a driving trail with the Missouri Humanities Council
Addition of the Ralls County Jail to the National Register of Historic Places.
Clothing: Delores has asked South Lake Design to propose polos and t-shirts featuring the Ralls County Historical Society. She hopes to present the information at next month’s meeting.
Student Internship Program Proposal: Delores developed and shared information about a possible student intern program. The Student Internship Program would be available to youth ages 13 to 19 who are interested in learning about Ralls County history while at the same time helping ensure that the Ralls County Historical Society continues to achieve its mission of preserving, honoring, and celebrating our county’s history. Benefits of participation include providing valuable community service, allowing for collaboration between multiple generations, looking great on job and scholarship applications, and gaining a letter of recommendation from the historical society. To participate in the program, interns must be respectful and responsible youth who can work independently under adult supervision, be between the ages of 13 and 19, and volunteer a minimum of 10 hours to Ralls County Historical between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025, and have parent/guardian consent to participate in the program. Volunteer work varies and will be based on the talents and abilities of individual interns. Some volunteer activities might be moving and organizing material, photographing and/or scanning documents, photographs, and other artifacts, transcribing documents, completing research, and inventorying items at the museum and library. A sample application was shared. If Historical Society members supervise the interns, these members must complete, at a minimum, the Department of Senior Services background check, which costs $15. It was recommended that the Historical Society pay this fee. Brandy mentioned the possibility of a Ralls County Historical Society scholarship to recognize interns who exceed established expectations. This will also be discussed at the September meeting, with possible voting to officially develop the program made at that time.
Financial Information as of 7/31/2024: The current balance is $5,2,74.41.
Executive Committee (15 members): Blank spots below indicate vacancies in our executive committee that we need to fill. If you are interested in being a representative on the executive committee, please contact Delores Woodhurst at 573-248-7445 or dvwoodhurst@gmail.com.
Officers (5)
President: Ron Leake
Vice-President: Delores Woodhurst
Secretary: Carolyn Trower
Treasurer: Sharon Lake
Directors (10)
Center Township:
Spencer Township:
Salt River Township: Cindy Lynn
Jasper Township: Lola McDonald
Saline Township:
Clay Township:
Saverton Township: Bill Dexheimer
Perry: Jeanie Gay
Center: Mary Jackson
New London: Brad Stinson
President’s Update:
Ron Leake thanked those in attendance, sharing his excitement that more and more individuals want to become involved with Ralls County history. Sandie Storm stated that there are two new businesses in Center: Gun Powder & Lead Coffee Co, a coffee shop, deli, and laundromat, and Kind Coffee, a food truck with various drinks.
Next Meeting: RCHS's next meeting will be Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. at Perry City Hall. The public is invited and encouraged to attend. The meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
Lasagna Supper 2023 a Success
Thanks to the support of the entire county, the Ralls County Historical Society’s lasagna supper fundraiser was a success. This was an opportunity for those in attendance to renew or begin their membership to the Historical Society.
After supper, Ron Leake, president of the Historical Society, shared an overview of projects that the Historical Society is currently working on. After thanking the many volunteers and donors that worked to make the event a success, Ron handed the program over to John Wallace to begin the auction.
These amazing ladies were some of the individuals that baked the donated food and served it at the 2023 Lasagna Supper.
Thank you to the following individuals for their contributions to the auction:
Bill and Judy Heim, East Edge Express
Debbie Hodges
Tara Comer, Ralls County Collector
Ralls County Groovy Gardeners Master Gardener Group
Richard and Janet Berry
Linda Hodges
Michelle Keil, Gateway Realty
Luke Mitchell, High Point Land Company
Bailey Beef Company
Shirley Levings, Arlington Antiques
Corey and Alex Fry, The Junction
Delores Woodhurst
Marie Lawrence and Judy Heim
Sharon Wright, The Flower Shoppe
John Lake, Brian Hodges, Junior Meuhring, Ralls County Commissioners
Brandy Flynn, Ralls County Clerk
Gina Jameson, Ralls County Circuit Clerk & Recorder
The feature item of the evening was a painting of the Ralls County Courthouse. The painting will be on display at the museum, and the owners’ names will be shown alongside the painting. Below is the list of this year’s proud co-owners of the painting.
Ernest Nelson Harlow Family
Raleigh Roy Diffenderfer Family
John and Sharon Lake
Brian & Linda Hodges
Scott & Ashley Hodges
Brian & Delores Woodhurst
Beinhoff Funeral Home
Bill & Judy Heim
John & Mary Wallace
Charlie & Mary Sue Mitchell
Shawn & Michele Keil
If you want to be involved with the Historical Society, please send an email (rwleake@aol.com) or get in touch with Ron Leake (573-248-6147), Linda Hodges, Sharon Lake, Carolyn Trower, or Delores Woodhurst. We are hoping that volunteers will continue to spend time organizing the museum and keeping it in good condition. We are always in need of volunteers to be at the museum during the summer hours when it is open. Also, it’s not too late to become a member of the Ralls County Historical Society. Individual, family, and business memberships are available. A membership form is available on our website (rallscohistoricalsociety.com).
Ralls County Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) organization, and all donations and memberships are tax deductible. Ralls County Historical Society is a 100% volunteer-run organization that relies on fundraisers, membership dues, and donations to provide ongoing services to the entire county. All money raised by the Ralls County Historical Society is used to continue to preserve and share local artifacts and our county’s history.
We appreciate your support!
One way to support the Ralls County Historical Society is to become a member. Click here to print out a membership form, or if you prefer, click here to complete the form online. Payments and paperwork can be mailed to the following address:
Ralls County Historical Society
PO Box 463
Perry, MO 63462
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Ron, Sharon, or Delores.
Physical Address:
Ralls County Historical Museum
105 East Main Street
Perry, MO 63462
Ralls County Historical Library
124 East Main Street
Perry, MO 63462
Mailing Address:
Ralls County, Missouri Historical Society
PO Box 463
Perry, MO 63462