Membership 2023

The 2023 membership drive is now underway.  `Renew your membership at our Lasagna Supper Fundraiser on March 18, 2023, from 5-7p.m. at the Perry VFW Hall.  You can all complete the membership form and send it and your payment to:

Ralls County Historical Society
PO Box 463
Perry, MO 63462

2022 memberships expire after the April 23, 2023, RCHS meeting, which will be held at 6:00 p.m. at the Ralls County Courthouse.

Ralls County Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) organization and all donations and memberships can be used as a tax deduction. While we are no longer offering lifetime memberships, if you previously paid for a lifetime membership, your membership continues to be active.  If you would like to verify your lifetime membership, please contact Delores Woodhurst (

Individual Memberships

Family Memberships

Business Memberships

City of Center


Hannibal National Bank

Madisonville Cemetery Association

Your support is greatly appreciated!

Would you like to become a member?  Complete the membership form and mail it, along with the dues, to Ralls County Historical Society, PO Box 463, Perry, MO 63462.